Posted by Karen Hadalski at 29 December 2011

Category: 2012


The thing I like most about embarking on a new year isn’t the dancing, the champagne, the Mummer’s Parade (if you live in Philly), or “auld lang syne.” Believe it or not, my favorite thing is composing a new list of Resolutions.  I think a reason many dread, or avoid, this tradition is because they either remember only those intentions they failed to achieve in the preceding year; or, they forget what they wrote altogether!

About twenty years ago my Writers’ Group invited a guest speaker (whose name I have, unfortunately, forgotten) to conduct a session on the importance of being extremely clear about goals, intentions and dreams before giving these a life of their own by writing them down. Then, after becoming crystal clear, to be as detailed and specific as possible when noting what you want to accomplish; include the steps and resources necessary to bring your goal to fruition; and, include a precise time-line in which every step toward turning your dream into a reality will take place.

Shortly thereafter, I read an article about how one’s life goals become more feasible and doable if broken down into immediate (achievable within six months), short-term (achievable within five years), and lifetime goals–a sophisticated “Bucket List.”

When I bagan to marry these two methods, the results were astounding.  Year by year, more and greater resolutions were completed; enough incremental progress was achieved with short term goals to move them into the “immediate” category; and, with lifetime goals, to bump them into the “short term” category! Because we’ve been hearing so much ” hype,” and reading so many “predictions,” about 2012–a subject I will write more about in future posts–this might be the perfect time to get serious about setting and completing personal goals.  I mean, if December 21, 2012 really does become the last day on Earth, as we know it, what better time to consider the Bucket List most of us don’t begin to think about until we become ill or reach a landmark birthday? Then again, if December 21st comes and goes just like every other day, what will have been lost by getting clear and being honest with ourselves about personal priorities, unfulfilled dreams, and the legacy we will leave behind–to those we love, and, as human beings?

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