Archive for April, 2012

Posted by Karen Hadalski at 26 April 2012

Category: Reincarnation

During this past year I have lost three friends, my chiropractor, and my next-door neighbor.  Yesterday, another friend was admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

Losing loved ones is hard.  With each passing, our life experience is diminished and our hearts are left with one more hole that used to be filled with love for and connection to another Being.

Throughout human history, mankind has created just three theories to explain life and death. Every world religion and philosophy expresses one of these, either exactly or as a “variation on a theme.”

The first is that of the Materialist–one who believes that physical existence is the be-all and end-all to life.  Man is the highest intelligence in the universe (really) and this intelligence is contained in the human brain.  When the body dies, the brain dies, and that human being is no more.

The second is that we are souls, created at the moment of our physical birth, and meant to live-on as souls after the death of our flesh and blood bodies in the realm of spirit.  Christians believe that, depending on how good or bad we have been during one lifetime, our souls will live-on in either a state of perpetual bliss (Heaven) or eternal punishment (Hell).

The third theory is that of Reincarnation. Inherent in this worldview is the belief that each soul is a unique expression of its Creator; and, once created, can transform  but never die.  If the free-will decision of a soul is to experience physical life, it will be given the opportunity to enter into many bodies and life-experiences in order to learn, grow, and express itself until a state of spiritual “Self-actualization” is reached.  These cycles of rebirth will come to an end when we come to “Know ourselves to be ourselves and yet be one with God.” (Edgar Cayce)  “Rewards” and “punishments” come by way of experiencing the effects of all we have caused through our free-willed thoughts, words, and deeds–our karma.  Each will, eventually, attain re-union with God.

The consolation most of us cling to when losing a loved one is that we will be together again one day–in the Afterlife; or, in a future incarnation.  Only the Materialist, who believes that when our one physical life ends, “That’s it,” must deal with the added burden of realizing he or she will never–ever–be with their spouse, child, or friend again.

If you know such a one, blanket them with compassion and hold them especially close during their time of grief.


Posted by Karen Hadalski at 19 April 2012

Category: Uncategorized

Betty White was interviewed by Pierce Morgan this week on CNN.  At 90 (!) she stars in “Hot In Cleveland,” “Off Their Rockers,” recently released a new book, and continues to be an active animal advocate.

She is clear, focused, purposeful, involved, healthy, and still looks good–without cosmetic surgery!

When asked by Morgan what keeps her going, while so many others seem to view 65-70 as the self-perceived cut-off point where achievements and life-immersion is concerned, she replied that she pays little attention to numerical age and focuses, instead, on ideas, aspirations, “what’s next,” and continuing to do what she loves to do.

But, she also spoke about love, gratitude, service, creativity, and a strong connection to the natural world–especially the animal kingdom–while reflecting on her life.  When asked to choose one experience– aside from being with her beloved, now deceased husband–to relive, if such a gift were possible, she chose a day spent alone with and in close-proximity to Coco, the hand-signing gorilla.

I have no idea what Ms. White’s spiritual sensibilities or religious affiliations are.  And, I’m not a “psychic;” but, talk about Light! It radiates from this woman with more strength and vibrancy than one would expect from a 20 year old.

This same week I have been re-reading Abd-Ru-Shin’s, In The Light of Truth: The Grail Message (Bernhardt, 1971), and a few passages from this work jumped out at me as I watched and listened to her:

“Everything in Creation is movement.  Brought into being strictly according to Law by the pressure of Light… The greater the distance from the Light, the slower and more sluggish becomes the movement… The expression “Light” in this connection does not, of course, refer to the light of some planet, but to the Primordial Light, which is Life itself, therefore God!” (p. 52)

This great Teacher also reminds us that the Light of God animates and radiates through every aspect of Creation–people, animals, flowers, trees, “in every fiber of a leaf bursting its sheath to come to the light,” and is intensified by “good volition.”

Clearly, we don’t have to limit our search for examples of Light, Love, and the highest expression of God-goodness to churches, monasteries, and self-proclaimed spiritual teachers.  We just need to hone our inner vision and strive to remain on the same vibratory “frequency” as the light-bearers among us. And these can be found in every activity, vocation, guise, and personality type imaginable.

Posted by Karen Hadalski at 12 April 2012

Category: karma

“The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end.”  This is the first sentence of one of my favorite essays, “Circles,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

St. Augustine describes the nature of God as a circle whose center is everywhere and its circumference nowhere.

In myth, legend, and archeology there is evidence to support the fact that the most highly developed ancient civilizations understood the “Law of the Circle,” or, “The Law of the One” and expressed this concept in philosophy, religion, the design of their buildings and even the design of their towns.

All things in the universe move in circles and, ultimately, return to their Source.  This same law holds true in human action and experience.  Everything that you think, feel, desire, and send “out there” to another or others ultimately returns to its source–YOU.

In my book I concentrate on the Law of Cause and Effect to illustrate the workings of Karma.  The Law of the One provides another way of looking at this important phenomenon.

In Reality, you are the creator–the source–of your life experience.  Learn to be as conscious and careful with your thoughts as you are with your actions.  This isn’t an easy discipline, but I think you will find it well worth the effort.



Posted by Karen Hadalski at 5 April 2012

Category: karma

Many wonder how Karma–the Law of Cause and Effect–and the Law of Attraction are related.

If you’ve read The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, you know that visualization (the topic of last week’s blog) plays a big role in the latter.  To activate the Law of Attraction, you visualize/imagine the future you want and call-up the appropriate emotions to accompany this picture.

By doing this, you create an Energy Field that will Attract everything and everyone necessary to transform this projection into a reality.  In other words, you become the Cause of the Effects that begin to manifest in your life.

Where Karma is concerned, you did not consciously and recently create the causes that result in the effects you are now experiencing.  This was done by you, for your, and orchestrated along with you by the “Karmic Board” in the realm of Spirit–before you were born.

However, these two laws are synergistically entwined.  For instance, if you were born into a life of use and abuse and do not understand that an underlying cause–set into motion by your previous, free-willed thoughts, words, or deeds–has caused these effects to manifest, you will view yourself as a hapless victim.

The resultant emotions you will then create to accompany this view will be anger, resentment, fear, and a sense of not being lovable or “good enough.”  The Energy Field generated by these emotions will then Attract events and people who will validate and perpetuate the beliefs you hold about your personal identity.

This is why it is so imperative that you take the time, and exert the effort, necessary to learn as much as you can about the Law of Karma. Once you comprehend the impersonal, immutable workings of this law you will come to see that your life is as it is because you caused it; AND, it can transform at moment because you Will it.

You will learn that every situation you find yourself in can be used to (re)create a state of balance and resolution and to free yourself from any remaining Karmic Ties. As a result, you will be able to transform the negative, self-limiting emotions that accompany “victim” status into the positive thoughts, feelings, and expectations necessary to attract the love, support, and opportunities necessary to achieve the goals and outcomes you desire.

Karma isn’t punishment.  It is opportunity; it is Grace.


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