Archive for June, 2013

Posted by Karen Hadalski at 28 June 2013

Category: Body-Mind-Spirit

Last night, while walking our dogs around the neighborhood, they suddenly became agitated and began to bark.  At first, we couldn’t see anyone or anything that might cause this.  Soon, however, a girl in her late teens/early 20’s appeared across the street.

She was clearly angry: huffing, mumbling, and stomping the ground as she walked. Both dogs became especially perturbed each time she stopped, looked-down, and stomped her foot forcefully on the sidewalk.

Once she had passed us, we crossed the street and saw that she had been “taking  a walk” with the clear intent to kill as many toads as possible.

Though not pleasant to look at, their custom of coming out each night to feast on the prolific mosquito population in our hot, humid, summer climate makes toads especially welcomed, honored, and protected residents.  Odin and Serena had learned to quietly circumvent them when walking and seemed to understand that their humans liked these odd looking creatures.  So, when they observed a stranger determindly killing them, they loudly voiced their disapproval.

Animals are in touch with their immediate feelings and emotions and express them easily and naturally.  Humans, on the other hand, have developed numerous methods of suppressing, ignoring, and projecting anything unpleasant that “comes-up” for them.

Since our physical and mental states of being are so closely entwined, it is crucial to our physical health that we learn to acknowledge, name, face, and deal with the source of our negative emotions. Otherwise they become trapped and left to fester in our bodies, ultimately causing energetic imbalances–dis-eases–which diminish our health and vitality.

The Hathor teachings remind us that this dysfunctional habit also impedes our spiritual health and development.  They call these suppressed, negative emotions the “underworld” and counsel us to go down into the catacombs of our unconscious before seeking to uncover higher spiritual mysteries.

Why?  “If you go too high in consciousness without balancing your hidden depths, including your own unconscious, then you are potentially dangerous, as you are acting without awareness of the crucial parts of yourself that are in your underworld–those aspects that are NOT evolved–such as your anger, your hatred, your jealousy, your rage, your fantasies, even your death wishes.”  (The Hathor Material, ORB Communications, 1996, Tom Kenyon, pp. 85-86)

These are all a part of human nature and our task is to integrate and heal all levels of our human experience while living on Earth.  Though this might seem a gargantuan task, these wise Spiritual Guides also remind us that our nature is “profoundly capable” of this assignment, as human consciousness encompasses the Light and Celestial Realms  as well as darker realms– and everything in between.  This is just “what’s so” about being human. To hold both polarities in balance and to heal darkness through the light of awareness is the path of evolution they see for our level and dimension of Being.

A far better path than toad-stomping, me thinks!



Posted by Karen Hadalski at 22 June 2013

Category: Body-Mind-Spirit

Have you ever noticed that when you have withdrawn into your mind and soul you rarely hear from others?  I’ve come to take this phenomenon for granted.  But,  when a friend mentioned his recent awakening to this fact of life, it occurred to me that some may not be as tuned-in to it as others.

Though I can’t do more than speculate about why this happens, my thoughts are that it is all about Energy. This is what we are, after all.  When you focus your energetic aura/presence on others by thinking about them, praying for them, visualizing them doing a particular activity, or calling forth memories of past interactions, nine times out of ten you will find that a call, email, letter, or news about that person will come to you within a short time span.

Conversely, when you wrap your energetic body closely around yourself during periods of convalescence, deep thought, transition, or artistic creativity its as though the significant others in your life just “get” that you need uninterrupted time and space and leave you to yourself.

If you pay attention to the behavior of your pets, you will notice their awareness of your needs as well.  I have 2 cats and 2 dogs.  Three out of four of these are naturally tuned-in to my moods and desires, as well as to those of one another. On days when I have a low energy level and feel the need to rest and be with myself, they either make themselves scarce or stay close by but extremely quiet and still– sleeping more than usual and demanding little if any of my time.  (The fourth, a spoiled little rescue kitty, is into her own needs 24-7.  I generally need to close a physical door to keep her out. I’ve known some people like that, too!)

This phenomenon is comforting to me as it serves as a reminder of how spiritually connected we are.  I imagine that if we ever come to realize, honor, and cultivate this connection we will, as a species, move beyond the imperfect, inaccurate communication tools we currently use–speaking and writing–and simply “tune-in,” telepathically, to one another.

Wouldn’t that be great? Imagine the implications! No more hidden agendas, projections, duplicity, or gamesmanship.  We would all be seen and understood for who we REALLY are.  This is how it is in the realm of Spirit. Perhaps this is one of the spiritual gifts that will be available to us when the golden age of Aquarius fully manifests? I can’t think of a time in human history when such a gift would be more  instructive, useful, enlightening and (for some) uncomfortable than today.


Posted by Karen Hadalski at 13 June 2013

Category: Body-Mind-Spirit, karma

I love talent shows.  While singing and dancing competitions flood the airwaves, my favorite show is “America’s Got Talent,” which showcases everything from ventriloquism to stand-up comedy, animal acts, magic, and everything in between.

A few years ago little Jackie Evancho, a cute 10 year old from Pittsburgh with the operatic voice and presence of a 30 year old, finished as “Runner Up.”  She has since performed on international stages, recorded numerous best-selling albums, amassed a huge fan base, and even has a doll made in her image!  At 13 she has already launched a successful career.

This week another young person–an 18 year old boy with a similarly gorgeous operatic voice–made his debut on this same show.  But the backgrounds of these two young talents couldn’t be more different.  Whereas Jackie was born into a musical family to parents who appreciate and nurture her talent while providing a stable, secure, loving home-base in which to develop and mature, Jonathan Allen was “kicked out” by his parents on his 18th birthday for confessing he is gay.

Unlike Jackie, who had family rooting for her at home and accompanying her to the auditions, Jonathan showed up alone.  She comes across as a “golden child;” he, as “little boy lost.” Yet, my hunch is they were both born with similar destinies and will both end up with successful, fulfilling lives and careers.

So, why has the path of one been cleared to allow her to so easily arrive at her destination while the other’s has been strewn with so many obstacles and hurdles?

If you’ve read my work, you know I don’t believe in good or bad “luck” as a rational explanation to anything that happens in life. Nor do I believe in a partial God who “chooses” one over another where bestowing happiness and success is concerned.

The law of karma is a perfect, impersonal, natural law.  It is simply the playing-out of the effects of causes we have previously set into motion through free-willed actions.  Where children are concerned, these actions would have occurred in previous lifetimes.

This law, as well as the soul’s decision to learn and/or teach specific skills and life-lessons, provides rational, fair, understandable explanations to virtually any question one might pose regarding the purpose of human life in general as well as questions regarding individual life experiences, challenges, successes, and failures.

In the case of Jackie and Jonathan, they both–obviously–brought with them into this life talents they had honed and used to the benefit of others over many lifetimes.  This explanation can be applied to any child prodigy whose innate knowledge and talents seem, on the surface, to be mysterious and  inexplicable.  While Jackie chose to be born into an environment where she could begin expressing and sharing her talent at a very young age, Jonathan chose one in which he would also be given an opportunity to develop and/or perfect his self-nurturing, self-motivational, self-reliance skills.

This would simply mean that Jackie’s soul had worked, previously, to perfect these qualities; or, that she has chosen to postpone working on them.  At some point, we all come to the realization that in order to be self-possessed, self-actualized human beings we need to look to ourselves rather than others for approval, motivation, nurturance, and individual identity.  It’s just a matter of: sooner–or–later?






Posted by Karen Hadalski at 6 June 2013

Category: Body-Mind-Spirit

Yesterday I heard from my best friend that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be undergoing a mastectomy. She is one of the most genuine, selfless, spiritually-centered beings on the planet.  Yet, her life has been filled with challenges and tragedies–from early childhood onward.

She lost her mother to cancer and was abandoned by her father at age 9; then,suffered through various harsh and abusive foster homes until emancipated at age 18. She married young and encountered many marital and financial challenges, as well as various painful health conditions, through the years.  Now, with her youngest child finally settled into college, financial problems resolved, and a job she adores, she has been hit with this news.

If you study the lives of saints, read the holy books of any religion, or biographies of the best humanity has to offer, you will always hear of challenges and sufferings that would flatten most of us. And, you will undoubtedly find that these are people of extraordinary faith, generosity, and morality; which begs an answer to the question: Does human suffering lead to spiritual purification–or–do the strongest, purest, and best among us “agree,” before incarnating, to endure suffering in order to be teachers and “way-showers?”

I’ve given much thought to this question and have addressed the subject in different ways through my books, Karma and Ten Difficult Women. Though I did, eventually, arrive at my own conclusions, just presenting these will be of little to no value.  It is the personal process of deep thought, research, critical thinking, discernment, and life experience that uncovers answers to life’s most profound and perplexing questions.  No one can do this work for you; and, as we all know, it is impossible to give someone an “experience.”

Though we live in an age of constant distractions, pop-culture heroes, and media overload we also have available to us the most current research from Regressionists like Dr. Michael Newton,  Near Death Experience survivors, and visionary scientists like Gregg Braden ( ) who are able to shed light on important questions like:  “Why are we here?”  “What happens to us after we die?” and “How do we discover our unique life’s purpose?”

So, if such questions are truly important to you, there is no reason (or excuse) for not embarking on the exciting journey of discovering answers to questions such as these–in your own way, your own time, and employing methods most natural to your unique personality.

Physical journeys are fun and exciting; but, internal journeys–WOW!  Don’t look for shortcuts–just do it…




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    If you would like your local bookstore to order you a copy (especially Barnes & Noble stores which have a very quick turn-around) simply provide the title and ISBN #: 978-1-4626-9549-2

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    The title of my April/May column, "Perspectives," in Pet Tails Magazine is: "The Cat Lady." It tells the story of a woman in Pittsburgh who devoted her retirement years to rescuing the most hopeless, hapless cats from a local shelter and the interesting, elegant lifestyle she and seven of these lucky kitties lived before her recent death.

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